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Перевод Примеры
Новая метла метёт чИсто // Новое начальство рьЯно приним3ется за работу, часто радикально меняя все порядки.

"Wait until the major hears about it," Hearne went on. "ТЬе new Ьroom sweeps clean, too clean. 1 hope you '11 enjoy your new command after this." That was а douЬ\e-edged barb. Deichgriber as visitor to Mont Saint-Michel had not even the privilege of being а new broom. (Maclnnes)

The horseman smiled. "The Bishop times his visit well, Martinmas, and fresh meat ki\led for his dinner. He'll sleep with his belly fu\1, you've no cause to worry. " "No cause for worry?" The Prior's petulant voice touched а higher key. "You think, 1 can control my unruly mob? What kind of impression will they make upon that new broom of а Bishop, primed as he is to sweep the whole Diocese clean?" (du Maurier)

Mrs. Ruddle, who as far as the Whitneys were concerned, was а new broom, had made а clean аоо determined sweep of the sitting-room, draping all the ug\ier pieces of furniture with particular care in dust-sheets. (Sayers)

"Our little stranger," he murmured, "seems to Ье new-brooming away next door. " "That's right, sir," said ВоЬ. "Settled in rather nice." (Marsh)